Wednesday, August 11, 2010

So Long Sweet Summer

School is just a couple of weeks away, and I can proudly say that I've made the most of my time away from school. I have started the admissions process for medical school by signing up for an AMCAS account and filling out as much of the application as I can. Since I still have a few semesters of undergrad (three including this fall), I haven't gathered transcripts or anything, but I have picked five referee's for letters of recommendation. Since my last post (way back in June), I was accepted by K.U.'s JayDoc Clinic to serve as a volunteer in Social Services and Front Desk departments. I have worked about five or six times since being accepted and I absolutely love it! The exposure to patients and residents is invaluable, and I learn essential skills like chart building and patient referral protocols. I have also continued training with the Free Eye Clinic and have participated in one event that required me to give visual acuity exams and glaucoma screenings to patients coming from an underserved community. I have been selected to work as an Ophthamologist technician at the Sojourner Free Health Clinic, opening in late August or early September, so I can put my new Ophtho knowledge to use!

As for the rest of my life, work has been dominating for the past few weeks, but it's great because I need the money before school starts. I'm taking a relatively heavy load this semester, 17 hours to be exact. Here's the line-up:

Human Biochem I
Cell Bio
Analytical Chemistry
Italian III
Physics II
Physics II Lab

Not to mention I will still be volunteering at JayDoc and the Free Eye Clinic, possibly tutoring, working 20 hours/week and staying active in the Pre-Med Society at school.

Thank god starbucks has free wi-fi now, because I'm pretty much going to be living there for the next five months. With a busy semester ahead, I plan on maintaining a low-stress lifestyle. That means getting plenty of rest (being in bed by 9:30pm on weekdays), eating balanced meals, working out, and drinking tons of water. It's amazing how taking care of yourself can translate into more energy and better grades.

Well that's all for now, I'll do better at updating this thing once the semester begins!


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